
Fraud Protection


Generations Bank provides extra layers of protection to protect you from electronic and transaction fraud.

Positive Pay for Checks and ACH Transactions

Positive Pay is a fraud detection tool which screens checks for fraudulent, counterfeit or altered payments before posting to your business account. Positive Pay verifies the check number, check amount, and can also verify payee information for each check. Your team reviews exceptions daily and makes decisions to pay or return. You may also elect to examine every check for decisioning on payment or returning with our Reverse Positive Pay service.

ACH Positive Pay helps mitigate the risk of fraud and protect your account by allowing company users to review ACH exceptions and make decisions to pay or return them.

An exception is any ACH debit transaction that is blocked because it did not match the criteria defined in payment rules. Payment rules are conditions that determine whether transactions are debited from accounts or blocked. If a transaction matches a payment rule it is processed normally and sent to post. If a transaction does not match a payment rule it is blocked. Company users can review ACH exceptions and decide to pay or return them.

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